• About

    broken image

    Meet the writer - Sisi Han

    Food junkie. Will eat just about anything.

    Grew up on takeouts and well-done steaks (I know, kill me).


    Hate the term "foodie".


    Loves looking at a full fridge.

  • The Blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    Google is the name that doesn’t need an elaborated introduction as we all are aware of the fact how important role does Google Chrome plays in our day to day lives. Irrespective of being the most popular search engine in the world due to its quality services, Google Chrome also confronts certain...
    We all know that how much our day to day personal and impersonal work is dependent on internet services and the word that comes into mind when we want to seek any kind of information is none other than Google. Irrespective of being the best search engines Google also faces certain faults and...
    Frequently used search engines on the World Wide Web, every day more than a billion people use it for seeking information. Google’s rapid growth has also triggered a chain of products other than a search engine, Google voice search and Google play are services which are frequently used other than...
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